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Utah Insight, public affairs from PBS Utah

Season 1 Episode 7

full episode

Silicon Slopes Sparks Tech Economy

Some say the tech boom in Utah was made possible by the state’s pioneer spirit. We’ll take a look at how Utah’s history helped pave the way for Silicon Slopes, and address the issues that came along with it —such as education & training, loss of jobs in rural communities, the gender pay gap, and supporting women in tech —as well where we go from here. Plus, how did COVID-19 change remote work?

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Rural Online Initiative Brings Urban Jobs to Rural Utah

Utahns are working remotely now more than ever — but even before the coronavirus pandemic hit, programs such as Utah State University Extension's Rural Online Initiative have been connecting Utahns from all over the state with highly sought-after tech jobs. Laura Holmgren and her family in Box Elder County are one such example.