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Modern Gardener Host is Cynthia Stringham

Modern Gardener celebrates and supports those committed to educating and enlightening Utahns about gardening and landscaping in our unique region. The series is a project of PBS Utah that celebrates sustainable growing in Utah - gardens and landscapes that nourish the body and the spirit. Don’t forget to subscribe to the Modern Gardener YouTube channelfor more videos and information on gardening, and chime in with your own food preservation tips and stories in the comments section! 


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I can't wait to GROW with you! - Cynthia

Modern Gardener Host, Cynthia Stringham brings years of gardening experience to the show. Growing up, she spent most of her time outdoors in her family’s flower and vegetable gardens. She loves sharing gardening tips and information and learning how others garden. She values the garden journey and understands the diversity in gardening techniques.

Supported by:

Modern Gardener is funded by Merit Medical