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Independent Producers

Do you have a completed program you’d like considered for broadcast?

To have your locally completed program considered for inclusion in the PBS Utah broadcast schedule, please review the information below.

Programs requirements:

  1. Original video format should be broadcast level quality
  2. Content must be free of any defamatory, indecent or obscene material.
  3. Content must be free from any copyright claim. The producer must warrant to PBS Utah that they have obtained clear and demonstrable broadcast and streaming clearances for talent, music, visual works, and any other copyrighted content.
  4. Content must be closed captioned. Please provide certification that the program satisfies the FCC's caption quality standards and Best Practices. (More information on the FCC's rules and standards may be found at the FCC website).
  5. Should the program be selected for broadcast, producer must provide evidence of an active Media Liability (Errors and Omissions) insurance policy of at least $1,000,000 that coincides with the proposed PBS Utah license term.

Please submit the following:

  1. Preview link
  2. Cover letter outlining the nature of the program
  3. Paragraph explaining how the program supports PBS Utah's mission, vision, and values
  4. A fully-completed PBS Utah Broadcast Submission Information Form.
  5. A fully-completed PBS Utah Blanket Submission Release.
  6. A technical evaluation of the digital file by the PBS Utah Technical Services Department.
  7. A production credit list for all primary participants involved with producing the program.
  8. A funding disclosure listing all individuals and organizations that have donated cash or in-kind contributions for the production and the amounts of those contributions.

*Please note that programs submitted without the above documents will NOT be considered by PBS Utah.

Programs will be evaluated on the following criteria:

Other considerations:

  • Availability for streaming (live & on-demand) and other rights
  • Exclusivity and cost to PBS Utah.
  • Educational and Engagement opportunities 

NOTE: Program evaluations are at the sole discretion of PBS Utah Programming Staff and Management. Other criteria may apply.


Please send submissions to:

Laura Durham
Director of Programming & Community Engagement
PBS Utah
101 Wasatch Drive #215
Salt Lake City, Utah 84112

NOTE: The submission of any preview or materials does not guarantee acceptance by PBS Utah. Accepted programs are subject to the PBS Utah Broadcast License Agreement. The scheduling, promotion and outreach of any program accepted for broadcast is at PBS Utah's sole discretion. Producers may expect a response four to six weeks after the receipt of materials at PBS Utah. (The PBS Utah Broadcast License Agreement linked to on this page is provided as a sample only.)

Do you have a program proposal you’d like considered?

PBS Utah does not fund independent films but we work with filmmakers in a variety of ways including in-kind trade in exchange for the rights to broadcast and/or stream your project. For selected projects, we may offer services such as pre-production, production, post-production, distribution, music libraries, E&O insurance, closed-captioning, and potentially marketing, development, and community engagement. In exchange, PBS Utah retains editorial control, copyright ownership and exclusive rights. Filmmakers become contractors at the University of Utah, are subject to University policies and procedures, and must adhere to PBS Utah editorial and technical standards. Other criteria may apply. 

Please submit the following:

  1. Nature of Request -Describe the nature of your proposal. What exactly are you requesting from PBS Utah?
  2. Story Synopsis - Give an overview of your  story, introducing the main characters and potential narrative. Discuss your access to the story and characters.
  3. Topic Summary - Describe why this topic is important, timely or relevant. Why are you the best person to make this project? Explain the context for the topic and the cultural or social relevance. Detail the issues, themes, challenges, stakes, or questions that your project will cover.
  4. Artistic Approach - How are you going to tell this story? Describe your creative vision for the finished project and its look and feel.
  5. Project Stage and Timeline - Explain the current status of the project, the projected production timeline and the anticipated completion date.
  6. Intended Audience - Describe the anticipated audience for your project, including any underserved audiences. How do you plan to reach your target audience? How have you addressed the needs and interests of this audience in your film? What is your relationship and access to this community?
  7. Key Personnel Provide biographies for the producer, director, writer, cinematographer, editor, and/or any consultants or experts. 
  8. Fundraising Strategy - Include an itemized list of any funds and in-kind support raised to date, and/or a list of those funders you are planning to contact. Describe the strategy for raising the additional funds necessary to complete the project.
  9. Budget- Please provide a breakdown of your project's projected expenses.
  10. Sample Work- If possible, include links to samples of previous work that best illustrate your production expertise.
  11. A fully-completed PBS Utah Blanket Submission Release. No proposal may be considered without one.


Programs will be evaluated on the following criteria:


Please send your program or series proposal to:

Lisa D. Olken
Director of Content

NOTE: Evaluations of program proposals are at the sole discretion of PBS Utah. Other criteria may apply.