April 5 at 5PM in Logan, UT | Join the Utah Theatre and PBS Utah for an exclusive advance screening of the new Masterpiece drama Miss Austen.
Connecting with Utah
PBS Utah's Community Engagement Program pushes the power of public broadcasting beyond the television screen by taking PBS and PBS Utah content into all of Utah's communities. Through film screenings, activities, and special projects, PBS Utah provides audiences with exceptional storytelling and facilitates dialogue relevant to topics valued by Utahns.
If you have questions about PBS Utah’s community events, please contact PBS Utah's Programming/ Engagement Director, Laura Durham: ldurham@pbsutah.org
Let PBS Utah help you host your book club. With three different options to choose from, our Book Club in a Box pairs a novel with a PBS documentary that is sure to generate a lively discussion. Request your free box before they are gone!
From our program participants...

[I] Learned a lot about dementia and Alzheimer’s. I hope this will help me to be more compassionate and understanding when I or my loved ones go through this.- Book Club in a Box Participant
I feel motivated to read more and continue thinking critically about the media I consume.- Book Club in a Box Participant
You introduced us to Nolly, and if not for this event I may not have noticed this series coming up. Thank you! These events are at the top of our list to attend! We are already telling others about the upcoming launch of Nolly. You and the rest of the team are great. Thank you.- Film Screening Participant
I feel motivated to incorporate rest into my daily life and to make changes in my work environment to allow all employees to prioritize rest as well. I hope that my book club members will continue to reflect on the insights they had, as well as put into practice their rest goals.- Book Club in a Box Participant
I feel motivated to connect more with those who have different racial backgrounds than I do. I hope that I can carve out more rest in my life and embrace the creativity and space this allows in my mind and heart.- Book Club in a Box Participant
I just want to express my gratitude towards the organizers and all the people involved in helping make this event possible. I left last night feeling empowered and committed to learning more about my community, my friends and how living in Utah as POC impacts us. Thank you so much for creating safe spaces for us. Keep the good work!’ - Roots Race and Culture Launch Party Participant
I feel more like I still fit in even with my difficulties. [It was] enriching to see mental health consumers entertain and be funny speaking their truth experiences. - Workshop Participant
Questions about PBS Utah’s community events?
Please contact PBS Utah's Programming/ Engagement Director, Laura Durham: ldurham@pbsutah.org