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What's Happening In Our PBS Utah Neighborhood?

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We think it's about time for an update on what the PBS Utah education team has been up to lately! 

The education team is working hard to ensure that PBS KIDS and PBS content are accessible to you, wherever you are. Whether you are an educator, parent, or simply a PBS enthusiast, we are here to help.

Our Team

Annie and I have been your PBS Utah education neighbors for over two years. Harper, the education team intern, has also recently joined our team. Have you seen us around? Where would you like to see us?

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Harper Howe (Education Intern) sharing one of her many skills by teaching kids the cello at our Lyla in the Loop instrument try out station
Credit: Shawn Emery

Here is a little about Harper!

I have been told I am a jack of all trades from continuing my love of dance through a Modern dance minor at the University of Utah to publishing the first bioethics and wilderness medicine textbook. I started at PBS Utah back in October as an Education Intern and I am delighted to continue my position here throughout the Summer.  I am a student at the University of Utah studying Earth Science with an emphasis on Ecosystem Science hoping to further environmental education and local restoration projects. 


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James Davie (PBS Utah Station Manager), Melanie Pehrson-Noyce (Education Coordinator), Annie Frazier (Education Program Manager), and Harper Howe (Education Intern) at our Lyla in the Loop community screening event
Credit: Shawn Emery

Recent Programs and Events

Reading Marathon and Adventure Pass

Our annual Reading Marathon and distribution of the 2024 Adventure Pass has completed with more participants than ever before. The adventures have begun and many adventure pass offerings are available all year! Check individual details on each partner pass for when they are available and how to redeem!

What adventures have you gone on with your adventure pass? So far, we've been to the Ogden Nature Center, the Hogle Zoo, and the Salt Lake City Library!

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Writer & Illustrators Contest: Our Water, Our Future

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The Writers & Illustrators Contest is underway! The creativity is flowing and entries are starting to pour in. We are accepting English and Spanish stories this year! Previous years' winners stories, along with brainstorming ideas, rules, and entry form can all be found at our website at

We have debuted a series of tips from last year's winners on our YouTube page! Check them out HERE!

Where Else Have We Been?

Be Our Neighbor

Looking for things to do for Earth Month and beyond? Need some educational, quality things to do over spring or summer break for you and your kids? Stay up to date by subscribing to a number of newsletters and social media channels listed below!

If you have any questions, comments, ideas, concerns, or just want to say "Hi!", reach out any time at We love to hear from you!