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Missy's Handprint Cactus

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Hello everyone! My name is Missy. I’m an artist and a guest blogger for PBS KIDS Utah. Did you know Utah is a desert? Sometimes we don’t think of our state as a desert because it snows here. But it is! It’s dry. And a certain plant grows very well in dry conditions. Do you know what it is? It’s a cactus! Today I am going to teach you to make a Handprint Cactus. 


Filer image
  • Cardstock or construction paper
  • A brown paper sack
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Googly eyes
  • Black, white and pink marker


  1. Take a sheet of green paper and a pencil. Lay your hand flat on the paper and trace it with your pencil.
  2. Use your scissors to cut out your handprint. This will be your cactus.
  3. Using your pencil, draw a plant pot shape on your brown paper bag.
  4. Cut out the pot using your scissors.
  5. Glue the bottom of the cactus to the top of the pot.
  6. Glue some googly eyes to the middle of the cactus.
  7. Use your black and pink markers to draw a smile and cheeks.
  8. Now use your pencil to draw a flower shape on one of your papers. Choose any color of flower you like.
  9. Use your scissors to cut out the flower shape.
  10. Draw a small circle for the center of your flower and cut it out.
  11. Glue the circle to the center of the flower, and the flower to one of the fingertips of the cactus.
  12. Finally, use your white marker to make spikes on the cactus. Your spikes can be V shaped or X shaped or whatever shape you like.

Wrap Up

When you have more than one cactus, they are called “cacti.” Make as many cacti as you like. Trace the hands of different people in your family for different sizes of cacti. Be creative and have fun!

Jimmy GreenfieldSesame Street: Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck- Cactus

Cookie Monster and Gonger gets a cactus and uses it for food.

Akili Kids! TVElinor Wonders Why | The Pokey Plant | Akili Kids!
PBSIncredible Cactus Can Store Over 1000 Gallons of Water | The Green Planet | PBS