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Missy's Collage Houses

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Howdy! My name is Missy. I’m an artist and a guest blogger here at PBS Utah. I’ve been doing a lot of collaging lately. Collaging is taking many pieces of paper and gluing them together to make a piece of art. Here’s how you can make a collage house. 


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  • Colorful constructions papers, scrapbook papers or pages from magazines
  • Glue stick
  • Scissors
  • A piece of cardstock (or other thick paper)
  • Crayons
  • A photo of your house


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  1. Study the photo of your house and identify the different shapes and colors.
  2. Use your scissors to start cutting those shapes out of your colorful papers.
  3. Assemble your shapes on your piece of cardstock.
  4. Glue your pieces one by one to create the main shape of the house, the doors, the windows, the roof, etc.
  5. Use your crayons to add any extra accent details like shingles on the roof or curtains in the windows.
  6. Trim up the cardstock around the edges of the house with your scissors.
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Wrap Up

Now you have a collage version of your house! Try making more collage houses, your neighbors houses, your friends houses. You could even try making other buildings in your neighborhood, your school, the grocery store, the bank, etc. Be creative and have fun!