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Make a DIY Bird Feeder Using a Recycled Plastic Container

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This DIY bird feeder uses a recycled plastic container, craft wire, and paint to entice the neighborhood birds to come and visit. Don't forget the bird seed!
Credit: Missy Maxwell

Hello! My name is Missy. I’m an artist, blogger, and total bird nerd! I love going on walks and listening to the birds chirping in the trees. I love looking through my binoculars and identifying new species. And I love feeding my backyard birds! Lots of birds eat bird seed, and there are many different types of feeders to house the seed. Let’s make our own DIY bird feeder!

Supplies: A clean plastic container, craft wire, box cutter or sharp scissors, craft paint, paint brush, paint palette, and bird seed!



  • Bird seed (my backyard birds love the black oil sunflower seeds)
  • Clean plastic container (I use a hand soap refill container, milk cartons work great too)
  • Craft wire
  • Box cutter/sharp scissors
  • Craft paint
  • Paint brush
  • Recycled plastic lid (for a paint palette)


Ask an adult to help cut holes in the sides of the plastic container.


  1. Using your box cutter or scissors, have an adult cut out holes on the sides of the plastic container. I like to cut out the flat parts where the labels are. Make sure to leave the bottom 1” uncut.
  2. Poke two holes near the lid.
  3. String some craft wire through the holes and twist it together. This is how your bird feeder will hang.
  4. Grab your paint and paint brush and start decorating your bird feeder. You can paint flowers or stripes or rainbows, whatever you like.
  5. Let the paint dry.
  6. Fill the bottom 1” of the bird feeder with bird seed and hang it outside. You can hang it from a tree, a roof overhang, or a dedicated bird feeder hook.


You can paint whatever kind of design you like!



It may take a few days for birds to show up to your feeder. They need time to be able to trust that it is safe. But be patient, they’ll come! When the feeder is empty, clean it out with a warm rag and then refill. Soon you will have neighborhood birds stopping in every day for a snack!