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Bean Art Craft

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Use dried beans and rice in different colors to make your own fabulous bean art!
Credit: Missy Maxwell

Hello! My name is Missy, and I’m an artist and arts & crafts blogger here at PBS KIDS Utah. I was walking around the grocery store the other day, saw the many types and colors of dry beans, and was reminded of a project I did when I was in elementary school: bean art!

Supplies: dried beans & rice, a pencil, cardboard, glue, optional ruler & scissors



  • Dried beans/rice (2+ different colors) in small bowls
  • Pencil
  • 8”x10” piece of cardboard
  • Liquid glue (clear is best)
  • Ruler (optional)


Carefully glue the beans to the paper, one by one!



  1. Using your pencil (and ruler if you like), draw a simple design on your cardboard. I drew a super simplified sunset over the water.
  2. Plan which beans go in which spaces. You can write the name of the color in the space.
  3. Begin with one space in the middle of your cardboard. Fill that space with a layer of glue. Start placing beans, one by one, to fill the space.
  4. Move onto another space. Fill that area with a layer of glue and place the beans you chose for that space.
  5. Continue glueing beans to fill all the spaces on your cardboard.
  6. Let the glue dry for 12+ hours. If your glue dries clear, you can add an extra layer of glue on top of the beans to help secure them even more.


Almost done!



Ta-da! Now you have an awesome piece of bean artwork! You can display it on a shelf, give it to friend or family member as a gift (Father’s Day is coming up), or glue a string to the back of it and hang it on the wall. Have fun!

The finished product! How did your bean art turn out?
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