Modern Gardener is excited to feature local home gardener, Cynthia Stringham of Melon Monologues! Cynthia lives in Holladay, Utah, where she has grown prize-winning melons and transformed her yard into a blooming edible garden. Read on to learn more about this Utah gardener!
How Did You Become Such An Amazing Gardener?
My summers as a child were spent eating peas and staining my finger with raspberries in my parent's garden. At least once a week, we all worked as a family in the garden. Each person was assigned a task of either working the irrigation, weeding, or (the job I hated), burying apples in giant trenches for composting. These moments are ingrained in me and continued through my adolescence and young adulthood.
This love of gardening always stuck with me, and anywhere I lived during college and beyond I always created a garden. I did and continue to take courses from the Master Gardener program offered at USU, but also find a good trial and error is the best way to learn.