A Winter Squash Finish To My Garden Plan
When I got a garden plot I originally said that I wouldn’t grow any squash because of what prolific producers they are. It somehow seems that every summer a few bags of zucchini mysteriously find their way into our kitchen, whether we wanted them there or not. (At Modern Gardener we joke that only one person in Utah needs to grow zucchini for the rest of us. You can only make so much zucchini bread!)
However, we do really love butternut and spaghetti squash, and I want to experiment more with pumpkin pie baking. Since winter squash stores well through the winter, we have gotten seedlings for those three gourds.
Garden Planning With Traditional Methods
To wrap up my vegetable garden, I’ve also gotten onion and basil seedlings, and am going to try planting ambrosia corn and snap peas from seed. In our video on companion planting, we learned about the “Three Sisters” method of garden planning. Corn, beans, and squash are planted next to each other because they work together in beneficial ways—the corn providing a trellis for the beans, the beans add nitrogen to the soil, and the large squash leaves provide ground cover and shade, which helps prevent water from evaporating as quickly and suppresses weeds.
I want to try two elements of this method by planting corn with legumes next to them, but instead of planting squash nearby, we'll plant tomatoes. The plan is that my corn will provide some shaded relief to my tomatoes during those hot afternoon hours, while the peas will boost soil nitrogen levels. So it's a modified "Three Sisters" method that I'll call the "Two Sisters and Their Cat" method because the tomatoes will benefit from the corn and peas ("The Sisters"), but it's unclear what the tomato (or, "The Cat") gives back...
I’ll plant the corn on the west side of the plot with peas east of the corn, and tomatoes east of the peas. I’m hoping this will provide my tomatoes two benefits: extra nitrogen from the peas, and shade in the evening from the corn stalks, saving my tomatoes from intense evening heat. I’m excited to report on how it all works!